Monday, March 12, 2007

Manners: The lost art of DRIVING

Manners are going the same way to as the Dodos and the Dinosaurs. And the place where they are most noticeable by their absence are the Dubai roads. It would be very unfair to paint all with the same brush, but unfortunately one cannot help list the Arab vehicles topping the list.

Because they are everywhere. Flashing the lights behind their dark tanned SUVs or using the roads to play some road tricks as if they are participating in the camel races. Next on the offence list are the impatient lot blaring horns even if there is a split second delay on the traffic lights.

We cannot blame a community for the actions of few. But sadly this arrogance can be seen seeping elsewhere too. Why would otherwise a nation known to be so generous become so greedy to extract every ounce of money in terms of house rent or VOIPs.

Usury or interest is prohibited in Islam, but as my colleague laments is pouncing on helpless residents need of shelter lawful money? While taking riba (interest), one is alteast only taking the unlawful from his money at bank, but here someone's savings are being eroded and some children toys are being depleted.

This mad rush of more money, more and more would not end. As Quran puts it, "The mutual increase in amassing wealth, would continue till you reach your graves". The problem with the rat race is, even if you win, you are still a RAT. Remember as one speaker aptly said, “Islam would spread faster, if you drive a little nicer".

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