I have almost into my decade. I mean into the Afghan history in 1978 onwards, when I was born.
As I am approaching the invasion of the Russians, the audio book is getting increasingly interesting. Last week, most of the talk revolved around the British invasion. It is interesting to note, how the world events shaped the British occupation and the effect it had on Afghans.
All of this add to the stories of how no country has ever been able to rule this mountainous country and eventually had to withdraw. What I also learned was that this transition of change of power from an alien force back to the Afghans was neither smooth nor swift.
Rather this was a series of serious of acts of violence, unrest and killings and assasinations in the dangerous terrains as much as the work, grit and resistance of the Afghans.
One wonders how can a country rise which has been invaded by not one, not two but three super powers (British, Russians, US) of our age plus mighty conquerors like the Greeks (Alexader), the Mongols (Chengiz Khan), the Persians (Darayus) and several others. KABUL is indeed a capital that has been ransacked and savaged and it is from this city that a spark can change the world..
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