Audio books are my lifeline while driving. And these are the first thing that I turn to once i my car - after ofcourse the beautiful supplication (which is here). Infact someday i want to blog about the deeper meaning in this supplication. This is something i discovered teaching the kids and boy, do these kids come up with difficult questions.. keeps me on the read all the time.
ok back to Audios, these are some in the pipieline i am so excited about and making a mention of those to remind me to write abt them
1. john taylor gatoo - Education kills creativity in chidlren
I am exicted about this series and its a long one. They say that some perform the best when under a necessity (or wat was that new expression that something is the mother of invention... watever - i think the answer is patent, but u may differ)..
anyways with my daughter growing and she is alreay 11 months, i need to put the system in place and thats why should listen to this one first.
2. hamza yusuf- he is different and not the usual run of the mill talks. imagine talking about aesop fable in his tafseer of Surah Luqman. simply has so much to offer.. and it was in his talk that he mentioned that, every year, come Rabiul Awwal, its a must that we review the Seerah of the final Messener peace on him.
So here is Rabiul Awwal (the 5th month of Islamic calendar).. and i begin my seerah review with Hamza yusuf's tapes.
2.1 Also, Beyond Schooling - anything to do with education is a must listen on my list.
Infact, I have to write a long pending article on the wonderful experience I am having preparing the syllabus for the Qamar (Arabic - moon) class for Burooj Kids Age 3- 6.
3. David Bach-The Automatic Millionaire (CD 1 to 9)
4. Malcom Galdwell - Blink
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