Naming is an important aspect in our lives and today in our zeal to keep new names we have lost the Sunnah of keeping the names preferred by our Final Messenger
The names which Allaah likes are Abdullah and Abdur Rahman
Below are a list of forbidden names:
• Abd means a Slave and we can only be a slave of Allaah and of nobody else. Similarly Gulam is the Urdu / Persian translation of Abd meaning a slave, hence names such as: 'Abdun-Nabee (slave of the Final Messenger), 'Abdur-Rasool (slave of the Messenger) and 'Abdul - Muttalib - and whatever is like these names are HARAM
• Just the same in meaning are Gulam Muhammad,‘Ghulaamun-Nabee’ and Ghulaamur-Rasool’, OR Gulam Hussain, Gulam Ali, etc are HARAM
• Abu Hurayrah reported that the Final Messenger of Allaah said, "The name most detested by Allaah is 'Malik Al-Amlak' ('King of Kings.')"
• Giving names which are meant to show servitude to Allaah (SWT) but not known to be from Allaah's (SWT) perfect names - like 'Abdul-Mawjood, Abdul-Maqsood and 'Abdus-Sattar and hence cannot be called lawful
• Names of Surahs of the Quran such as: TaHa, Yaseen and other names of Surahs. "The saying of the common people that Yaseen and TaHa are from the names of the Final Messenger (SAW) is not correct, there is no 'Sahih' Hadith about it. Rather they are letters like 'Alif Lam Meem', 'Ha Meem', 'Alif Lam Raa' and the like."
It is among the Sunnah of our Final Messenger to change detestable and haram names to good ones, as we will be called by our names on the DAY OF JUDGEMENT (Imagine would you want to be called by a haram name on that day?)
He (SAW) also said to a man, "What is your name?" So he replied: "Hazn." (Roughness). So he (SAW) said: "Rather you are Sahl (Smooth)." (Reported by Al-Bukhari & Abu Dawud)
‘Barrah (Pious Woman) to Zaynab (Reported by Muslim)
The names Abdul-Ka'bah and Abdul-Uzzah were changed upon accepting Islaam
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