Sunday, July 22, 2007

Series 6 - 786

"786" - Does it stand for 'Bismillahi Rahmaani Raheem'?

786 is the numerical representation of "Bismillahirrahamaanirraheem" has no religious or Islaamic significance.

The numerals 786 or any other numerals in no way represent 'Bismillaah al-Rahmaan al-Raheem' or other Surahs of the noble Qur'ân and is not the Sunnah either.


Allaah say in Qur'ân "Verily, We have sent it down as an Arabic Qur'ân in order that you may understand" (12:2).

We are instructed to recite the Qur'an as can be seen from the following verses: So RECITE as much of the Qur'ân as may be easy (for you),..." (73:20).

Now would one recite the Qur'an if it is reduced to numbers? As an example, we shall reduce the Surah Fatihah to numerical figures for the benefit of the reader.

Bismillaahir Rahmaanir Raheem............................................... 787
Al-humdolillaahir rubbuaalamin............................................... 632
Ar-Rahmaan-ur-Raheem....................................................... …618

So can we instead of reciting the whole Surah Fatiha in our Salaah, will it be sufficient to recite some numbers say 2130 for it!!!

This old game of numbers was practised by the ancient Egyptians, as did many other civilisations. Islaam came to ELIMINATE ALL such superstitions, mysteries and numerological mumbo-jumbo. However, Muslims are still enslaved to the number game, and think that 786 represents BISMILLAAHIR RAHMAANIR RAHEEM.

Even Final Messenger Muhammad (pbuh) in his letters to different heads of states and governments, used the noble words at the top. Therefore, whosoever uses 786 with the intention to obtain Allaah's blessings, is a misguided person and any attempt to justify it, is ignorance.

Islaam's foundation is laid on the belief in Tawheed (oneness of God). If we associate anyone with Allaah's exalted names orally or practically, we would be committing an unpardonable sin. Did the Final Messenger (pbuh) and his companions respect the noble Words less than we do?

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