Saturday, December 23, 2006

The true Global Village

 This weekend, I took my little family to the Global Village. It was a long queue of cars and took two hours of what should have been a 30 mins ride. But seeing the joy of seeing my wife and daughter smiling as we roamed the different pavillions, the efforts were worth it.
As we were shifting from one country to another, from Jordan to China to Tanzania - we wondered if this was a good example of a real feel of global community and global gathering. But no, when we though of a rather parallel event taking place, this huge Global Village faded away, very quickly too.

Yes, we are talking about the annual Hajj. The conference of millions - who all gather to worship one Lord. We dont have to build pavillions but this unity of hearts is inspired by faith.

Can there be a greater Global Village that the one that the world witnesses as Mecca - the first place of worship of God?

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